Carter Gospel Fellowship
Carter Gospel Fellowship


If you have any questions about our church, feel free to fill out the form below. Note that we do not have a full time secretary, so messages will most likely be check on Sundays only.

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Upcoming Regular Events

~ Board Meeting ~

Tuesday, Sept 17th at 7:00 pm


~ Ladies Meeting ~ 



~ Nursing Home Ministry ~

Friday, Sept 27th at 4:00 pm


Special Events

* Mom's Morning *

Thursday, Sept 19th, 9:00 am


* Baptismal Classes *

Sept 22nd at 10:00 am

Sept 29th at 10:00 am


* Carter 101 Classes *

3-week class, beginning Sept 29th after service



Weekly Services


- Sunday School -

10:00 AM on Sundays


- Worship Service -

11:00 AM on Sundays


- Midweek Prayer Meeting -

7:30 PM on Wednesday


- Men's Breakfast - 

7:30 AM on Saturdays

At Jeff's Gun Vault

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© 2015 Carter Gospel Fellowship